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Agipunk: Flower, State Manufactured Terror | Freakout Club

Sa., 31. Aug.



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Agipunk: Flower, State Manufactured Terror | Freakout Club
Agipunk: Flower, State Manufactured Terror | Freakout Club

Zeit & Ort

31. Aug. 2024, 21:00

Bologna, Via Emilio Zago, 7c, 40128 Bologna BO, Italia

Über die Veranstaltung

Chiudiamo la stagione 2023-24 e lo facciamo in collaborazione con Agipunk

Con cui vi presentiamo:

FLOWER (ANARCO-CRUST, NY) Their new record is “the result of a combined effort of musical mastery, exquisitely presented militant feminist ideas, hard work and dedication to DIY culture and ethics. In other words, the perfect tools and the greatest, most effective (as time has proven with older influential bands that did all these things right) recipe for sonic punk rebellion against white supremacy, sexism, racism, transphobia, and most importantly—state and capital”. (DIY CONSPIRACY)


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Artwork: Liz Van Der Nüll

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